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Pisa Study: Germany's schools are still behind Moldova in terms of digitization


In an international comparison, Germany has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to digitally equipping schools and pupils. At least in 2018, it lagged significantly behind, as a special evaluation of the latest Pisa results shows.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is responsible for the international comparison of school performance, presented data on Tuesday based on a survey of school leaders. The topic was discussed a lot in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis .

Accordingly, at the time of the Pisa survey in Germany, only 33 percent of students had access to an online learning platform; the OECD average was more than 54 percent. Germany ended up in the bottom group - and still behind Moldova, for example, which has around 40 percent.

In Singapore, some Chinese metropolises or Denmark, more than 90 percent of students had access to learning platforms as early as 2018.

Asia is ahead

According to the study, Germany was also below the OECD average for the number of computers available to schoolchildren and also far behind when it came to digital further training for teachers. According to this, only around 40 percent of the students visited institutions in 2018 whose management believed that appropriate opportunities for further teacher training were available.

Here, Germany landed 76th out of 78 - behind all other countries except Hungary and Japan. Moldova also achieved a significantly better value with around 60 percent. Asia is also ahead: Schools there, for example Singapore with 90 percent, were much better positioned according to their own assessment.

In terms of digitization, a gap can be observed in Germany between schools in socially disadvantaged and socially better-off areas: in the first group, only 30 percent of students have access to digital learning platforms, in the second group it is 37 percent.

For the study, the education experts evaluated the data set from the international Pisa study from 2018 under the key question of the extent to which higher government spending on education leads to better learning outcomes. They come to the conclusion that "it is not how much a country spends on the education system that makes the biggest difference, but what the money is spent on," the OECD report said.

Large discrepancy in foreign language teaching in Germany

Despite comparatively high educational spending, the experts found particularly large social differences for Germany. The risk of having to repeat a grade is one and a half times greater among students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds than among students from better-off families.

The differences were also evident in the weekly teaching times of certain subjects - for example in foreign language lessons: on average, 15-year-old students in Germany who are socially better off would have 66 minutes more foreign language lessons per week than disadvantaged students. This is "one of the biggest discrepancies compared to other Pisa participating states," the scientists write.

A total of 37 western-oriented industrialized countries have joined forces in the OECD. In the Pisa study, the OECD examines the performance level of students in different countries at regular intervals. The results of the comparison test attract a lot of attention. The last survey took place in 2018: around 32 million 15-year-olds in 79 countries were surveyed. In Germany, 5,451 students from 226 schools took part.

When comparing school performance , in addition to the compulsory tests in mathematics, reading and natural sciences, 15-year-olds also collect personal data from students, parents and school principals in a survey. These are used for special evaluations. This means that between the actual Pisa results, which are only presented every three years, there are repeated publications of Pisa study results.

The next Pisa study is due in 2022. The scientists want to focus in particular on the effects of the corona crisis on education.

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