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Cubans residing abroad for more than 24 months must request an extension permit


Cubans abroad who, as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, have not been able to return to Cuba and remain outside the national territory for more than 24 months will not lose their resident status until October 12, 2021, according to one of the modifications made to immigration policy in current circumstances.

The Director General of Consular Affairs and Cubans Residing Abroad (DACCRE) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Soberón, explained in more detail these and other measures that were announced on Thursday afternoon at the Round Table by the Prime Minister of the country, Manuel Marrero.

  • Cubans residing in the national territory, who after 03/19/2020 have not been able to return to Cuba before the expiration of the 24 months, may remain abroad until 10/12/2021 without losing their permanent residence in the country.

  • As of October 12, 2020, Cuban citizens residing outside the country must contact the Consulates to request an extension of stay abroad.

In this way, these new provisions annul the measures taken on March 19 that allowed the stay abroad for more than 24 months without requesting an extension. Now the Cuban government chooses to submit its residents abroad to request an extension document, betting that the pandemic situation improves before October 2022.

Another important measure is the extension until June 2021 of the possibility of processing a Cuban passport renewal online at Cuban consulates around the world. The goal is to avoid unnecessary physical contact, doing all the paperwork by parcel delivery.

No country in the world makes its citizens lose their residency even if they spend 20 years outside the country! Wrote a user in response to what was published, at the same time he wondered if by chance, are they also going to allow Cubans living outside the country vote?

The tweeter Javier Vigoa expressed himself in the same terms, adding that “this 'permission' does not have to exist. Is it necessary to ask for permission to be Cuban and enter our own country? That is the greatest humiliation that can be committed against a people. You cannot lose the residence of the country in which we are born ”.

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